Monday, June 19, 2006


Hello everyone,

This is our blog, since our computer is broken and we can't choose the photos to send you we have set up this blog so we can just post all the photos to it...we're not sure how well it will work but at least you'll be able to see them and hopefully we'll be able to add explanations for them too.

Well, as per the last email, we are doing well. We are planning on hiking Mt Fuji in less than a month now - July 15 -17, since we have a long weekend then. We are planning on starting from the very bottom and hiking all the way to the top in two days as there are mountain huts you can stay in on the way up. It is the 'season' to hike Mt Fuji so we've heard and read that it will be pretty packed...should be interesting. We are also going to the Fuji Rocks Festival July 29 and 30...this is the link to the english website - the Red Hot Chilli Peppers are going to be there are Franz Ferdinand, but we won't be there for Franz...

We are also very much looking forward to our summer break, August 12 -20, we have booked plane tickets to go to Hachijo-jima, a semi-tropical island south of Tokyo. This is the info page, so you can see some pictures and there is a map I think... There are also WWII tunnels all over the island so those will be fun to explore.

We also bought new bikes, which are vital in Japan...I'll post a picture of them as soon as possible too. Well take care everyone and send us an email tell us what is new in your lives.

Sarah and Denis